Write New Text Messages

  1. Go to "Text Messages" in your GetSetPro dashboard
  2. Multiple Locations - Select  to choose location to view text messages for
  3. Select
  4. Select  to choose phone number to send from
  5. Enter the phone number to send to by selecting
  6. Select
  7. Enter your message in the text box and select

Reply to Text Messages

  1. Go to "Text Messages" in your GetSetPro dashboard
  2. Multiple Locations - Select  to choose location to view text messages for
  3. Select text message to read
  4. Enter your response in the text box and select

Optional - Manage Text Conversation

  1. Go to "Text Messages" in your GetSetPro dashboard
  2. Multiple Locations - Select  to choose location to view text messages for
  3. Select text conversation to manage
  4. Select  to customize name of conversation
  5. Select to mark a text conversation complete (You will see a next to the conversation)
  6. Select  to mark the text conversation unread (The conversation will appear in bold in the list of text conversations)
  7. Select  to mark the conversation read
  8. Select  to move the conversation to the trash
  9. Optional - click    to restore a conversation from the trash